Food & Community In Denali

Our Mission

As stated in our Articles of Incorporation with the State of Alaska, we “will provide a comprehensive and sustainable operation for Denali Borough's School's breakfast and lunch program, with a focus on providing nutritious, well-balanced meals to students while ensuring fiscal responsibility. In addition, our non-profit intends to offer hospitality training for high school students to increase options for vocational training in the district.”

Food security

Children from food-insecure households receive more of their food and nutrients from school meals. 

A USDA, ERS-sponsored 2010 study found that children from food-insecure and marginally food-secure households received more of their food and nutrient intake from school meals than did other children.

Academic Performance

A 2021 report from the Brookings Institution analyzed the impact of a program that offered school-wide free meals and found an improvement in math performance (particularly among elementary and Hispanic students) at school districts where few previously qualified for free meals. Researchers also saw a significant reduction in suspensions among certain students.

Children who eat lunch and/or breakfast at school attend more school days*

Vocational Training

This program will train students for career opportunities in their own community.

Actual certifications will be core to the program, with students leaving having earned their Alaska Food Handlers Card and nationally used ServSafe Certification.


Children who receive school meals are more likely to be food secure and in good health. 

School meals can help reduce childhood obesity*

* according to a systematic review done by Maureen Spill, PhD. Published online at JAMA Network.